Abstract: Forging is the manufacturing process which can formed desired metal of pieces with the help of pressure and forging equipments. Forging industry is the main partner of automotive sector. Aim of the forging parts are forming a metal, Maintain product quality, Reduce development cycle time and minimize production cost of the forging parts.Faster the production rate of complex shapes with least wastage of material are some of the other benefits of forging process. In this work used various types of methodological tools such as Press machine, Induction heater, Ingot, Die and Simufact software. In current design of die, camshaft yield percentage is 58.5%. An investigation is undertaken to optimize the process design of die for camshaft and control camshaft yield percentage. As well as the input weight for forging of camshaft is to be minimized using forging die design improvement, which will result in increasing the production rate and decrease in the cost of the part. This will lead to reduce overall cost of the process and camshaft.

Keywords: Camshaft, Die, Forging, yield, Warm.